Friday, February 06, 2009

my boy

Everett is in that stage where sometimes he seems all grown up and other times he still seems like my little baby.  He's a joy to have around and is such a sweetheart.   I snapped these photos of him yesterday afternoon.  I love this sweater on him and I wanted to have some photos of him in it as a memory.  All the poses were his idea...


katie said...

you're killing me with all these adorable pictures!

Brooke said...

So cute. Especially the last one.

trmills said...

I love all the pictures of both of the kids. The close up of Camille with those big, beautiful eyes is lovely- and that is a great sweater on Everett- so handsome.

Christy said...

Oh my, I just love it that Everett decided on his own to put his fists up under his chin like that.

Anonymous said...

oh, how cute!