Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Summer Heat

We just returned from a camping trip at a campground on the lake outside of Augusta, called Clarks Hill.

We were there with Allen's family and some family friends of theirs...25 of us in all! 3 campsites, 3 pop up campers, 3 tents, 5 kids bikes, 7 cars, a motorcycle, 2 boats and a huge screened in area for eating. Our tent even had it's own air conditioning unit! It's definitely a site to be seen. We had a great spot by the beach and the kids had a blast. Great food, including eggs, bacon, grits, and toast for breakfast and homemade wings, fries & salad for dinner. Delicious! Allen's family has been doing this since his parents were kids. They stay for a whole week each summer. We stayed for 3 days...maybe next summer we'll stay longer but then we'll have 1 more kid in the mix!

Camille LOVED "driving" the boat!

When we got home we were unloading the car and all of the sudden I noticed a couple of cars parked on our street and a woman collapsed on the sidewalk. It was obvious she had been exercising. I called to Allen and he ran across the street to help her. Luckily, a woman happened to stop who was an EMT and had medical equipment in her car. She was able to help the woman and even give her oxygen. The woman eventually became conscious, but only knew her name. A woman from her neighborhood stopped who recognized her and was able to get in contact with the woman's daughter. A policeman, fire truck and ambulance all showed up at the end of our driveway, which was very exciting to Everett and Camille. The ambulance took her away and Everett and I said a little prayer for her.

After that excitement, we finished unloading and unpacking...


katie said...

yeay for more blog posts!!!
i love seeing you all in your life and travels... the camping sounds so fun! (and with AIR CONDITIONING!!!)


Christy said...

Oh my, that sounds like such an adventure!!! Just the sort of thing you'd ADORE as a child and look back on forever as a fabulous memory. So fun that it's been a tradition for so long!

Poor lady! And THAT'S why I recommend sitting inside and occasionally thinking about exercise ... much safer than actually doing anything.

Brian said...

Congrats on #3!